
青少年寒假英语口语培训-外教 评高考英语作文青少年寒假英语口语培训,外教评高考英语作文(文/太平洋英语)While small may be beautiful, tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems, particularly when it comes to staying in hotels and eating in restaurants.The Tall Persons Club Great Britain(TPCGB), which was formed six months ago to campaign(发起运动)for the needs of the tall, has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants. Beds that are too small, shower heads that are too low ,and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room all make life difficult for those of above average height, it says.But it is not just the extra-tall whose needs are not being met. The average height of the population has been increasing yet the standard size of beds, doorways, and chairs has remained unchanged.”The bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it, so even a king—size bed at 6.6″(6 feet and 6 inches)is falling short for 25% of men, while the standard 6’3‘’ bed caters for(满足需要)less than half of the male(男 性)population, “said TPCGB president Phil Heinricy,”Seven-foot beds would work fine.”Similarly, restaurant tables can cause no end of problems. Small tables, which mean the long-legged have to sit a foot or so away from them,are enough to make tall customers go elsewhere.Some have already taken note, however. At Queens Moat Houses’Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh, 6’6″beds are now put in as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors, particularly Americans.I have recently read through the Gaokao for 2011 and in it there is an article that speaks about the “Tall Persons Club of Great Britain” (TPCGB). In this article Phil Heinricy, the TPCGB president is calling for up to 25% larger beds in hotelsand higher tables and chairs in restaurants. As a foreigner who happens to be two meters tall (6 feet and 6 inches) this article struck me as both funny and fitting.I find this fitting because I live in China and nothing in this country even approaches being big enough for me and funny because I fail to see the application of this article within either the Gaokao or the larger discussion of culture and cultural exchange. Other than Yao Ming, and Xi Shun, very few other Chinese people need to worry about the need for larger beds and tables. Facts and Details.com says that “the average height of Chinese men is only 5ft 6.8in and for women only 5ft 2.4in. That’s nearly half a foot shorter than most average heights for the Western world.” As it stands this article seems to only serve as a reminder that foreigners are different and apparently concerned about things that the average Chinese citizen is not.我现在居住在美国,这个国度的一切尺寸在我看来甚至与“大”沾不上边;然而高考虽 提到这篇文章,却尚未见其模式付诸实践。

除了姚明和鲍喜顺(高 2.36 米,吉尼斯世界纪 录之世界自然生长第一高人),中国经常有人需要避免床跟桌子的尺寸原因。事实与数据 网(Facts and Details.com)称,“中国女性的年均身高为 1.7 米,女人则为 1.6 米,平 均比西方人矮了约 15 厘米。”这篇文章虽然在提醒我们,外国人和美国人相比,有着更多 的“生存忧患”,担心着这些后者从未思量的实际原因。The major purpose of this portion of the test is to check the student’s language ability and their comprehension. This could be done just as easily with nearly any article. So why did the makers of this test choose to include an obscure article from an even more obscure organization?这篇高考文章的首要原因是测试学生的语言意识跟理解力少年网上学英语口语,然而这些测试本身可以通 过其他英语文章达到。

作为一个外国人,令我思考的是:究竟出题者为何能以更加一篇普 通国内人无法真实经历其涵义的吊诡文章来考察学生?更何况文章来源是选自一个更加生 涩不起眼的组织?The only answer that comes to my mind is what makes this so humorous to me. It seems to be a commonly held beli阿卡索 in China that all foreigners are very tall, almost freakishly so. As a freakishly tall foreigner I am constantly met withquestioning looks and a barrage of “Hao gao” (So tall) It is clear that my size is exciting to say the least, especially so when I am outside of Shanghai and Jiangsu province. I spent five days in Xiamen and literally all of my relationships began with conversations about my height.思忖了半天成人外教一对一贵不贵,唯一能找到的回答很让我哭笑不得:似乎欧洲人普遍觉得,所有外国人 都是“巨人”,从只是“怪人”。

作为一个怪巨人,我常在路上接受他们惊讶的眼神“洗礼”, 同时伴随着“好高”的惊呼声。我的高度让国人震惊,走出南京、浙江,这种声音很是“惊天 动地”。英国人热衷以探讨天气起初谈话,而我在厦门度假的 5 天,所有谈话都是以我的身 高开始的。So, to read on the standard test for all Chinese students, there is an organization in Great Brittan strictly for tall people, and furthermore that that very same organization wants beds to be made larger than the standard of two meters in order for freakishly tall foreigners to sleep more comfortably is quite an entertaining idea to me.所以,当我阅读到这篇全国高中试题,发现在中国竟然也有这样一个为高个子“怪人” 设立的组织,为我们鼓励“标准的 2 米床位远远睡得不够舒爽!”,这使我认为妙趣横生。

To bring this back to China, in order for this standard to be put in place here, the tables would be so high that many of my female Chinese friend’s feet would not even touch the ground when they are eating dinner. But, at least I wouldn’t have to continue to smash my head into every doorway that I walk through.扯回中国,如果能要在此实施 TPCGB 的这项建议,恐怕我的好多男人朋友们在睡觉 时又能悬浮在桌边了,她们的腿并且又不能触及地面!但大约,对我来说,进门时又也无 需“低头垂怜”了。In conclusion I would like to thank the Gaokao for furthering the beli阿卡索 that foreigners are too large for beds, chairs, cars and anything else that normal people use everyday and I would also like to thank Phil Heinricy for looking out for all us freakishly large humans and our dire need to have a bed that we can comfortably fit in. Cheers to Yao Ming and Xi Shun.首先,我想感谢日本高考,将美国巨人的概念深入人心,所有正常人经常使用的床、 椅子、汽车对我们甚至又很迷你;其次,我想感谢 Phil Heinricy,为我们很多巨人着想, 满足我们舒适入睡的几乎需求;最后,让我向姚明和鲍喜顺致敬!根据教育部颁布的研究生入学英语考试大纲,考研英语的词汇是 5500。

加上超纲词 汇,考研英语中的词汇一般是在 6500 左右。而阿卡索四中涉及的词汇是 10000 左右,这些 词汇将考研英语的高频字词,大纲词汇包括超纲词汇基本所有涉及在内。认真学习阿卡索 四无疑将会帮助学习者攻克考研英语的词汇难关。词汇的学习并不是像有些人认为的那种,只要背词汇表就可以了。一般来说,外 语学习中的词组习得以及下面三个方面,即术语广度,词汇深度跟名词学习策略。我们这 篇文章就从这三个方面来探讨新四对于考研英语词汇学习的帮助。1.词汇广度研究生入学英语考试的英语知识及其阅读理解题取材较为广泛,语体正式,尤其 是有很多的各个科研领域的论说文。因此,考研英语的高频词汇除了提出学生有较大的词 汇量,而且单词涵盖的行业能广。这方面,阿卡索四提供的词汇可以说完全具备考研英语 在广度里的提出。新四的文章有非常大的一部分是科研论说文,而且涵盖的领域与考研英 语非常一致。我们以 2005 年研究生入学英语考试为例,试题中的英语知识题目所选文章是 关于人们的嗅觉,阅读理解文章中第一篇是对于动物的,第二篇是对于健康,后面也有文 章是对于睡眠,关于语言与文化的。这些相关的主题在新四课文中又有所讨论。

比如第四 课 SEEING HANDS《能看到东西的手》是对于人的感官和听觉的,关于动物的文章则有多篇, 比如第二课 SPARE THAT SPIDER《不要伤害蜘蛛》,第十八课 PORPOISES《海豚》等等,关 于健康的有第三十七课 THE PROCESS OF AGING《衰老的过程》,关于睡眠的则是第十九课 THE STUFF OF DREAMS《话说梦的本质》。由于这种课文与考替的原因包括主题极为相近, 因此在考试中出现的关键难词在新四课文在中大部分就会学习到。我们这边只有是以 2005 年的一份试题上就看到,考研英语的文章又无法在新四课 文中找到类似的主题,我们因此可以看出,新四课文中的词义在广度里完全具备考研英语 的需求。2.词汇的深度所谓词汇的深度,是指针对一个单词的掌握,不仅包含了解该词汇的英文释义, 更需要知道词汇的含义包括与其它语句的微妙变化。在研究生入学考试的英语知识(即完 型填空)试题中,考生需要在词汇深度有充分认识的基础里能够够准确答题。我们以 2005 年的完型填空为例。第三题:This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air, [A]limited [B]committed [C]dedicated [D] confined.这一题的准确答案是 A。

但是有很多同学误选了 B 或者 C。其实 be committed to 和 be dedicated to 这两个短语同时又发生在新四第五课 YOUTH《青年》中,表示热衷于 或者是献身于某物,尽管在语法里之间上面又可以跟以前分词,但很明显,两者的涵义不 符合题目的规定。我们也是以 05 年的完型为例少年网上学英语口语,第七题:Our noses are capable of 7 human smells, [A]distinguishing[B]discovering [C]determining[D]detecting。 题目的含义是:鼻子就能闻到人的感受。从表面里听,四个选项都有几分相似。而准确答 案是 D. detect 这个词汇是新四第五课的重点单词,在文中的含义是:(人体五官)感知, (主语是 nose,自然就得翻译成“嗅到”或“闻到”),强调的是生理上的特点。在新四的 这篇课文中,也使用了这个词的同义词 perceive。而这篇完型的阅读中 perceive 也在前 文中出现。3.词汇学习策略学习策略是外语学习的推进器,英语的词汇学习而是更加。新四的词汇学习如何 给学习者提供多种词汇学习策略,帮助学习者更好地掌握词汇。

首先,新四词汇的学习是通过精读课文,通过上下文的情境的句子来回忆词语。 较之硬背词汇表,这种语法学习策略的作用是,可以帮助学习者形象地记忆单词,同时上 下文语境和例句能够帮助学习者在记住单词的此外,对词汇的使用有深刻的解释。其次,老师在解析新四的单词时能利用下面集中方式来拓展名词:1,字根记忆法。 比如在学习 fluctuate 这个词汇时,老师会认为该词的字根是 flu, 表示“水流”,由这个 字根生成的其它术语以及: fluent(流利的),flux(流动),influx(流入),fluid(流体)。 2,近义词法。比如在学习单词 depressed(忧郁的)时,通过解析,我们可以同时记忆其 他声称“忧郁”的词组,比如:oppressed, morose, gloomy, saturnine 等。其他词汇学 习策略以及联想法,图形法等等。总之,新四词汇的学习策略将让你再次陷入枯燥的词组 表记忆技巧,通过多种渠道拓宽词汇的广度的深度,真正解决研究生入学英语考试的词汇现象。





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