[3-6岁英语动画片]英语分级读物:Reading a-z(RAZ)全集Flash动画视频/百度云网盘

英语分级读物:Reading a-z(RAZ)全集Flash动画视频百度网盘分享
Reading A-Z是国外的一个互动系列的教材,又名RAZ,分Level A至Level Z共27个级别(Reading A-Z在Level A之前有个Level AA)。Reading A-Z(RAZ)难度递增,到后面就是大段大段的长难句的科普文章了。
Level aa (no quiz)
1. Cit
2. Go go go
3. In
4. It is fall
5. On
6. Out
7. Pet
8. Spring
9. Farm animals
Level a
1. Baby animals
2. Bird goes home
3. Going places
4. I can
5. In ou
6. Maria goes to school
7. My do
8. My hair
9. Up and dow
1. Animal sound
2. Bananas sometime
3. Go animal
4. How many legs
5. I read a book
6. Paint it purple
7. Playful puppy
8. We make cookies
1. Busy at school
2. Get in
3. How many
4. Making salsa
5. Open and close
6. The woodsy ban ja
7. What animals eat
8. What is at the zoo
9. Who who who
10. Yummy yummy
Level d
1. Clouds
2. Community helpers
3. Frog is hungry
4. Getting around the city
5. Maria’s Halloween
6. Senses
7. The mitten
8. The sky is falling
9. To the store
10. What
Level e
1. A week with grandpa
2. Bear and kangaroo
3. City animals
4. City places
5. Country animals
6. Hugs
7. Making pizza
8. Shapes in tide pool
9. Storm
10. Time for bed
Level f
1. A clown face
2. Gaggle, herd and murder
3. Glass blowing
4. How is the weather today
5. Josh gets classes
6. Mother’s day
7. Our camping trip
8. Scaredy crow
9. The food chain
10. Where is cub
11. White house pets
Level g
1. Animal eyes
2. Ants, ants, and more ants
3. Gordon finds his way
4. Long ago and today
5. Places people live
6. The chase
Level h
1. Animals animals
2. Friends around the world
3. How the mice beat the men
4. I’d like to be
5. Math test mix-up
6. Ships and boats
7. Smaller and smaller!
8. Spring is here
9. Wing’s visit to Singapore
Level i
1. Birds
2. Childhood stories of George Washington
3. Discovering dinosaurs
4. Healthy me
5. Hippo’s toothache
6. How glooskap found summer
7. Life at the pond
8. Mike’s good bad day
9. Tian Tian, a giant panda
10. Why robins hop
Level j
1. Animal skeletons
2. Changes
3. Firefighters
4. Hannah’s townspeople
5. Leopard ram and jackal
6. Ocean animals
7. Riding with rosa parks
8. The Thanksgiving the Jacks built
9. The Thanksgiving the other Jacks built
10. Where we get energy
Level k
1. Anna and the magic coat
2. How zebras got their stripes
3. It’s about time
4. Lance and his bicycle
5. Leap
6. Ratty rats
7. Slithery and slimy.
8. Stange plants
Level l
1. Ancient Egypt
2. Crocs and cators
3. Insect life cycle
4. Jessica loves soccer
5. Noise in the night
6. Sign language and hand talk
7. Smelly clyde
8. Valentine’s day
Level m
1. Aesop’s fables
2. Art around us
3. Hibernation
4. Keb need a home
5. Marcus loses patches
6. Mighty glaciers
7. The story of jeans
Level n
1. Buffalo hunt
2. Colleen and the leprechaun
3. Coral reefs
4. Foods around the world
5. Making rice
6. Puppets
7. Totem poles
Level o
1. Anansi and the talking watermelon
2. Bats
3. Jenny loves yoga
4. Sally ride
5. The beekeeper
6. Three little pigs-the wolf’s story
7. whales
Level p
1. A golden tragedy
2. Breeds of dogs
3. Magnetism
4. Manatee!
5. Max
6. Musical instruments
7. Seal sea lions and walruses
Level q
1. China
2. Plight of the polar bear
3. Sharks
4. Sweet potato challenge
Level r
1. Bessie Coleman
2. How the robin stole fire
3. Inventions.
4. Storm chasers:
5. We’re in business
Level s
1. Bites and stings
2. Harriet tubman
3. The trouble with English
4. What’s in a name
Level t
1. Holidays
2. Lance Armstrong
3. The Titanic
4. T-shirt
Level u
1. Muscles
2. The great gallardo’s books
3. The world of nascar
Level v
1. Alternative fuel cars
2. Catching air
3. Female sports star
4. Robots
5. The internet
Level w
1. Energy sources
2. Hurricanes
3. Joe Kittinger
4. Microbes
5. Mysteries of flight
Level x
1. Body art
2. Forensics 1
3. Forensics 2
4. In FLUenza
5. Money in the usa
6. Threats to our atmosphere
7. What makes you
Level y
1. American sports legends
2. Believe it or not
3. Odysseus and the bag of winds
4. Special effects
5. The art of photography
6. The life of Cesar Chavez
Level z
1. Historic peacemakers
2. Satellites
3. Success stories
4. Success stories
5. volcanoes
1. Nursery rhymes-little Miss Muffet
2. Nursery rhymes-Mary had a little lamb
3. Nursery rhymes-the itsy bitsy spider
4. Poetry-a nation arises
5. Poetry-making changes
6. Song books-circle of smiles
7. Song books-I am I
8. Song books-I'm never alone
9. Song books-lotsa pasta.
10. Song books-oh navajo girl
11. Song books-reading mysteries
12. Song books-the rabbit





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