[3-8岁]小女孩最爱初章:美人鱼的传说 Mermaid Tales 合集10册 (epub格式,作者 Debbie Dadey)

初级章节书《美人鱼的传说 Mermaid Tales》系列是美国童书作家Debbie Dadey的作品,书中精美的插图由Tatevik Avakyan创作。出生于美国肯塔基州的作者至今有100多部童书作品;“Mermaid Tales”系列目前还在不断推出新作,当前已出版15册之多。


#1 - Trouble at Trident Academy


It's MerGirl Shelly Siren's first day at a new school and she is nervous from the tip of her head to the end of her sparkling mermaid tail. How will she ever fit in at the prestigious Trident Academy? Everyone there is so smart and so pretty and so rich. She and her best friend Echo are in the same class, but so is Pearl, a spoiled know-it-all, who only wants to make trouble for Shelly; Rocky, a MerBoy who loves to tease everyone; and Kiki, a shy MerGirl, new to Trident City. At first Shelly and Echo have lots of fun: eating lunch together, trying to make grumpy Mr. Worm smile, and joining after-school clubs. But when Shelly and Echo have an argument about their very first school assignment, Pearl comes between them and Shelly wonders if she and Echo will ever fix their undersea friendship.

#2 - Battle of the Best Friends


Echo, Shelly Siren's best friend, is doing tail flips because she's going to see the hottest boy band around -- The Corals! It's her classmate Pearl's birthday and the Corals are going to perform at her exclusive party. Troublemaker Pearl has invited just about everyone -- everyone, that is, except Shelly! Shelly urges Echo to go anyway, but Echo doesn't want to leave her friend out of the exciting celebration. Shelly hatches a plan to make sure Echo sees her favorite group. And when the Corals do come to town (amidst plenty of under-the-sea, boy band drama), Echo returns the favor so that Shelly is included in the festivities--in the most unexpected of ways!

#3 - A Whale of a Tale


It's a 'whale' of a day at for the third graders at Trident Acadmey: they're traveling to the surface of the ocean -- for the first time ever --to visit a pod of Humpback whales! But Kiki is scared from the top of her head to to tip of her tail: these enormous creatures can swallow her -- and maybe her entire third grade class -- in one giant gulp! Will her friends Shelly and Echo help her overcome her whale-sized fears? Will this be an adventure for her to remember or regret?

#4 - Danger in the Deep Blue Sea


Pearl is very worried when sharks are sighted in Bailey City.She even causes trouble for Kiki because her skeleton bed looks like a shark. And then, to make matters worse, Pearl accuses Kiki of stealing her precious pearl necklace! And though the undersea waters are indeed filled with danger, Pearl finds safety in a suprising place!

#5 - The Lost Princess


Shelly can't believe it.Can she really be a princess of the Western Seas?

#6 - The Secret Seahorse


Rocky has a seahorse for a pet. Echo is so excited to see his pet, but when Rocky lets her ride Zollie she is beyond happy. All she wants is to have a seahorse of her own, but when her sister tells her it's not right to keep seahorses for pets, Echo is torn. She is so upset about the seahorse situation, she doesn't study for her test and that leads to a spelling disaster!

#7 - Dream of the Blue Turtle


Most mermaids would love to see the future, but not Kiki.A vision of a white foot leads her to a baby polar bear, one that needs her help.Can she rally her friends to help get Nestor to safety before it's too late?

#8 - Treasure in Trident City


Can there really be a pirate treasure close to Trident City?Pearl is determined to find the diamonds, rubies, and pearls.She knows it will be an adventure, but she doesn't know the dangers she will face.Is Pearl willing to risk everything for some jewels?

#9 - A Royal Tea


When Shelly meets the Queen of the Western Oceans in this Mermaid Tales adventure, she encounters a royal dilemma!
When a royal messenger announces that Queen Edwina is coming to tea, Shelly is as jittery as a jellyfish! After all, the Queen of the Western Oceans is her great aunt. And despite being a princess, Shelly has never met a queen before. How should she act? What should she wear?
Then Pearl tells Shelly that the queen is going to take Shelly to live in Neptune’s Castle: “It’s where a real princess would live,” Pearl tells her. Shelly is terrified of leaving her home, friends, and beloved grandfather behind. When the royal carriage arrives, she’s trembling from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. What will Queen Edwina think of Princess Shelly? And will she really take Shelly away from the home she loves?

#10 - A Tale of Two Sisters


Echo is thrilled to find a human object in this Mermaid Tales adventure, but will sibling rivalry keep her from appreciating her prize?
Echo is dogfish tired of having to share everything with her bossy big sister, Crystal. So she's extra excited when she stumbles upon a shiny human object near her shell. Finally, something of her very own!
Echo is obsessed with people, so she's very curious as to what her fin-tastic human find might be. Could it be something totally wavy, like a music-making machine? What if it's something that could allow her to actually talk to humans?
Before she can find out, Crystal swipes the object, claiming she found it first! Echo is steaming mad. After the mergirls duke it out in a messy tug of war, their mother takes the object away. "You'll get this back when you can learn to get along," she tells them. But that's easier said than done. How far is Echo willing to go to get her precious human object back?

美人鱼的传说 Mermaid Tales 合集10册





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