英文有声小说 Nate the Great 系列 16个故事MP3音频+6个PDF文档 章节书 儿童英语

英文有声小说 Nate the Great 系列 16个故事MP3音频+6个PDF文档 章节书 儿童英语
目录:(全部有16个故事音频+5本扫描书PDF格式,大小为 461 MB)


1. Nate the Great
2. Nate the Great Goes Undercover
3. Nate the Great and the Lost List
4. Nate the Great and the Phony Clue
5. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case
6. Nate the Great and the Missing Key
7. Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail
8. Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize
10. Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag
12. Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt
14. Nate the Great and the Stolen Base
16. Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine
18. Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas (written with Craig Sharmat)
21. Nate the Great and the Monster Mess
25. Nate the Great Talks Turkey (written with Mitchell Sharmat, illustrated by Jody Wheeler)
26. Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club (written with Mitchell Sharmat, illustrated by Jody Wheeler)



01 Nate the Great.pdf
02 Nate the Great Goes Undercover.pdf
04 Nate the Great and the Phony Clue.pdf
07 Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail.pdf
21 Nate the Great and the Monster Mess.pdf
Nate the Great Teachers Guide.pdf

下面是Nate the Great 系列全部目录,仅供参考(非本贴内容,本贴只有上面目录列出的内容)

1. Nate the Great
2. Nate the Great Goes Undercover
3. Nate the Great and the Lost List
4. Nate the Great and the Phony Clue
5. Nate the Great and the Sticky Case
6. Nate the Great and the Missing Key
7. Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail
8. Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize
9. Nate the Great Stalks Stupid weed
10. Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag
11. Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps
12. Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt
13. Nate the Great and the Musical Note (written with Craig Sharmat)
14. Nate the Great and the Stolen Base
15. Nate the Great and the Pillow Case
16. Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine
17. Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise (written with Craig Sharmat)
18. Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas (written with Craig Sharmat)
19. Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden
20. Nate the Great and Me: The Case of the Fleeing Fang
21. Nate the Great and the Monster Mess
22. Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective (written with Mitchell Sharmat)
23. Nate the Great and the Big Sniff (written with Mitchell Sharmat)
24. Nate the Great on the Owl Express
25. Nate the Great Talks Turkey (written with Mitchell Sharmat, illustrated by Jody Wheeler)
26. Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club (written with Mitchell Sharmat, illustrated by Jody Wheeler)

1. Nate the Great Shortly after a breakfast generously supplied with pancakes, Natethe Great got an urgent call from Annie. I lost a picture, said Annie. Can you help me find it? Of course, said Nate. I have found lost balloons, books, slippers, chickens. Even a lost goldfish. Now I, Nate the Great, will find a lost picture. Oh, good, Annie said. Nate, with the cool detachment of a Sam Spade, immediately plunges into his new and baffling case. Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, narrowing down the suspects. Nate, the boy detective who likes to work alone, solves the mystery and tracks down the culprit. In the process he also discovers the whereabouts of Super Hex, the missing cat.
6. Nate the Great and the Missing Key

Nate the Great doesn't especially want to go to a birthday party for Annie's ferocious dog, Fang. But he can't resist a mystery--and when Annie loses her house key and can't get inside to set up the party, Nate and his trusty dog, Sludge, are hot on the trial.

7. Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail

Nate the Great, super sleuth, has his work cut out for him when Rosamond loses his birthday present. He and his faithful dog Sludge must face snow, ice, and ferocious-looking Fang, Annie's dog, to solve the case. But how can Nate find his missing present when Rosamond won't tell him what it is?
8 Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize

Nate the Great is about to enter his dog, Sludge, in the smartest pet contest. But when the prize disappears, it looks as if the contest will flop.

It's a tough case for Nate and Sludge as they search for clues leading to the missing prize. In more ways than one, it's a very fishy business. Can Nate and Sludge find the prize in time?

"Young readers who have enjoyed past adventures of Nate the Great are sure to like this new one. Nate is called upon to investigate the disappearance of Oliver's beach bag. He cleverly assembles tidbits of information and forms a logical and sat isfying solution to the mystery. Simont's sketchy illustrations alternate three-color art with gray wash. Although they are not elaborate, they complement the subtle hu mor of the text. The story is well-written and easy for primary children to follow. It is suitable both for independent reading and for reading aloud. The book will have particular appeal to young readers with a penchant for mysteries."
--Rose Valentino, Fairfax Elem . School, Cleveland Heights

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat (born November 12, 1928 in Portland, Maine) is an American children's writer. Sharmat has authored more than 130 books for children and teens. Her books have been translated into several languages and have won awards, such as Book of the Year by the Library of Congress or have become selections by the Literary Guild. Very briefly in the 1980s, Sharmat also wrote Sorority Sisters, a romantic book series, which had a sense of humor.

Among Sharmat's most popular books are those featuring child detective Nate the Great. The story, Nate the Great Goes Undercover, was turned into a made-for-TV movie and won the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival Award. In expanding the Nate the Great storyline, Mitchell Sharmat, Marjorie's husband created Olivia Sharp, Nate's cousin and fellow detective.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f59QpSwae-e-1glwtgt_JQ
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