
A The apple tree 苹果树
Way up high in the apple tree,苹果树,高又高 two little apples smiled down at me 两个小苹果对我笑
I shook the tree as hard as I could我抱着苹果树用力摇一摇
Down came the apples,苹果落下来
Mmm, mmm mmm,they were good! 嗨,真是好味道

B Bluebird, bluebird
Bluebird,bluebird,Through my window,Bluebird,bluebird,Through my window,Bluebird,bluebirdThrough my window,Oh,johnny what a day.
蓝鸟啊,飞过我的窗口, 飞过我的窗口, 飞过我的窗口,哦,亲爱的约翰尼,今天是一个好天气。
C Pat a cake做个蛋糕
Pat-A-cake, pat-A-cake baker's man!做个蛋糕,面包师做个蛋糕!
Bake me a cake As fastas you can. 快快为我做个蛋糕。
Pat it and pull it and mark it with “c".
And put it in the oven for baby and me, 把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃!

D Hey diddle diddle
Hey diddle diddle稀奇,稀奇,真稀奇
The cat and the fiddle小猫拉着小提琴
The cow jumped over the moon母牛跳到了月亮上
The little dog laughed to see such sport小狗看到了哈哈笑
And the dish ran away with the spoon碟子带着汤勺跑了

E One elephant went out to play
One elephant went out to play.一头大象出去玩。
Upon a spider’s web one day.一天看到一只蜘蛛在织网。
He had such enormous fun,他发现很有趣。
He called for another elephant to come.他呼唤另一头大象来。

F The farmer in the dell
The farmer in the dell农夫在小溪谷
The farmer in the dell农夫在小溪谷
Hi-ho, the derry-o嗨噢……
The farmer in the dell农夫在小溪谷

G Ten little goldfish
One little,two little,three little goldfish;Four little,five little,six little goldfish;
Seven little,eight little,nine little goldfish;Ten little goldfish swim;
Ten little,nine little,eight little goldfish;Seven little,six little,five little goldfish;
Four little,three little,two little goldfish;one little goldfish swim;

H All the pretty little horses所有漂亮的小马儿
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry.Go to sleepy little baby.安静你不要哭睡觉小宝贝。
And When you wake, you shall have cake,当你醒的时候,你将会有蛋糕
All the pretty little horses:所有漂亮的小马儿

I Mother mother, i am ill
Mother, Mother, I am ill, 妈妈,妈妈,我病了,
Call for the doctor over the hill. 打电话给山上的医生。
In came the doctor,In came the nurse, 医生来了,护士来了,
In came the lady with the alligator purse.带着鳄鱼钱包的女士来了。

J Jack and jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. 杰克和吉尔到山上提水
Jack fell down and broke his crown 杰克摔倒了摔破了他的头
And Jill came tumbling after.吉尔在后面翻着跟头下来了

K Three Little Kittens三只小猫
three little kittens they lost their mittens,
And they began to cry,他们开始哭,
"Oh, mother dear,“噢,亲爱的妈妈,
We sadly fear our mittens we have lost."
"What lost your mittens, you naughty kittens!
"失去了什么你的连指手套,你们真是淘气的小猫 !
Then you shall have no pie."然后你们将没有馅饼"。
"Mee-ow, Mee-ow, Mee-ow, Meow."
“No, you shall have no pie.” 你们将没有馅饼。

LMary had a little lamb
Mary had a Little Lamb玛丽有只小羊羔
Little lamb, little lamb,小羊羔,小羊羔,
Mary had a little lamb,玛丽有只小羊羔
Its fleece was white as snow.它的毛白的像雪一样。
And everywhere that Mary went,无论玛丽走到哪里,
Mary went, Mary went,玛丽走,玛丽走,
Everywhere that Mary went,无论玛丽走到哪里,
The lamb was sure to go.羊羔肯定跟到哪里。





  • heart人生自古
    heart人生自古(2021-04-26 10:12:35)
    abc不错,小孩儿在这里学习两个月多,从不敢说 不想学, 到现在敢说 喜欢学,让孩子学英语不再是那么吃力 头疼的事儿,这是我们家人看在眼里的,很感谢老师耐心教孩子,感谢老师给孩子特定的课程,非常棒!大力推荐。
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