美國 Macro Polo WorldSchool 英語科普練習題( 9月/10月份共 55頁)3至6歲合用阿:)

今次來一套9月和10月份的練習題:1. Amazing Boby (25頁)
2. Fabulous Fall (31頁)


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2020-10-13 08:52

World School is an educational app that was created by two dads, and aims to help children age 3-7 learn and explore their world through thousands of lessons and activities, which promote literacy and STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). Within the app, there are so many different categories to choose from, each with short videos that are engaging and educational, as well as interactive games where kids can apply what they learned, play music, color and draw, practice math or sight words, and more. Categories include: the human body, weather, nature, sports, space, inventions, dinosaurs, feelings, and so much more.
There is a catalogue of fun craft ideas to build on the things the child is learning within the app. Craft projects are demonstrated with easy-to-follow video tutorials, using materials that you likely already have on-hand. Olivia and her Dad have done several of the crafts already, and can’t wait to do more. My husband describes himself as “not crafty”, so I was impressed that World School managed to draw even him in!

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2020-10-13 08:54

We’ve been using World School for a couple of months now and we’re still discovering new things! It keeps my daughter engaged for a really long time, and I feel good knowing that the screen time she’s getting has quality educational benefits. If you have kids between the ages of 3-7, I highly recommend checking out the World School app! You can click here to sign-up for a free 7 day trial. If you’ve used World School, I’d love to hear what you think about it in the comments below!

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2020-10-13 08:55


美國著名HOMESCHOOL"The Good and Beautiful " 的科普-海洋學書(K-8可用) https://www.lxwc.com.cn/post-160777-1-1.html
《獨家》英語繪本deep in the dessert (6-8歲)連英語有聲音+教育視頻影片+歌曲https://www.lxwc.com.cn/post-160822-1-1.html
美國 Macro Polo WorldSchool 英語科普練習題( 9月/10月份共 55頁)3至6歲合用阿:)

2020-10-13 08:55





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