

  来看China Daily的报道,学些相关的英语表达,中文甜完英文甜。



  这是男主女主相遇的那一幕,英文里有个专门的说法 "meet-cute",那些偶像剧里缘起的桥段、心动的桥段,都叫“meet-cute”,它的英文解释为Scenario in which two individuals are brought together in some unlikely, zany, destined-to-fall-in-love-and-be-together-forever sort of way (the more unusual, the better)。

scenario情节,unlikely不太可能的, zany古怪的。destined-to-fall-in-love-and-be-together-forever,这其实是一个形容词用来修饰way的,意思是“命中注定相爱并且永远在一起的”。 造个句,From their "meet-cute" at an internet café to their interactions in daily life, the couple has given many viewers an example of a perfect relationship.

  电视剧中的佟年是位很受欢迎的网络歌手,a popular online singer。也是位高智商的女学霸,a straight-A girl student with high IQ 。

  剧中的韩商言则是网络安全行业的专家,a cybersecurity professional。 cyber是一个前缀,音/saɪ.bɚ-/。这个词缀的意思是“involving, using, or relating to computers, especially the internet”,也就是和电脑尤其互联网相关的。比如网络犯罪就是cybercrime,网吧是可以说cybercafé或者internet café。professional,经常做形容词“专业的”,这里是个名词表示人-专家,a person who has the type of job that needs a high level of education and training,和amateur是相对的。 现在,年年和Gun神已经是最热的银幕情侣了,onscreen couple。

  实际生活中,女主角杨紫和男主角李现都是北京电影学院表演系出身的,是校友。 女主角starring actress,男主角starring actor,star做动词表示主演的意思。北京电影学院,Beijing Film Academy。 偶像剧

  《亲爱的热爱的》是一部现代偶像剧,a modern romance series。

  这剧里头里头有高甜的爱情故事,a sweet love story。

  从韩商言的角度来说,这剧也讲了个励志的故事,inspirational story。

  毫无疑问,这也是个灰姑娘找到自己白马王子的故事,a Cinderella story。


  More often than not male characters in those dramas come from rich or powerful families. They boast perfect academic backgrounds and enjoy high status in society. They are born to be winners and their suitors are standing in line — metaphorically speaking. However, most are lonely and have slightly off-kilter personalities, and they often put true love before family background and personal gain. Under such circumstances, a pure and kind woman from an ordinary family can get their attention and ignite their curiosity. Because of this setting, many women develop empathy for the female protagonist, and they oftenput themselves in her shoes. more often than not,多半时候。boast,夸耀。suitor,追求者。metaphorically speaking,打个比方说。off-kilter,有点问题的。ignite curiosity,引燃好奇心。setting,情节背景。female protagonist,女主角的支持者。put themselves in her shoes,换位思考。 例:Put yourself in her place, and then you’d understand why she was so upset.你站在她的立场上想一下,你就能明白她当时为什么那么生气了。


  staying power,表示耐力、持久力。从《流星花园》开始,《王子变青蛙》、《泡沫之夏》、《一起看流行雨》等等,偶像剧年年有,桥段相似处众多,人们已经对灰姑娘的故事渐渐失去了兴趣,但是《亲爱的热爱的》却在当下这个年代热度不减反升,保持着很好的持久力。


  Since its July 9 debut on Zhejiang TV and Dragon TV, Go Go Squid has aroused heated discussion on Chinese social media. For instance, the show's official hashtaghas been viewed more than 12 billion times on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter-like social media platform.

  Two broadcast stations have also changed their official Weibo logos to the posters of the drama, an unprecedented bid for higher ratings and appeal to a wider audience . arouse heated discussion,引起热烈讨论。hashtag,#话题#,主题标签。unprecedented bid,史无前例的努力争取。bid,最常见的意思是动词竞标竞价,这里做名词表示企图得到、努力争取an attempt to achieve or get something。 因为这部剧,男主李现火得一塌糊涂,尤其很多女粉不能自已。

  And just like Jamie Dornan in the film Fifty Shades of Grey, Li has become the latest "McDreamy" for viewers in China. It is no exaggeration to see many young Chinese women have shown their admiration for the actor on social media. Jamie Dornan是五十度灰的男主,因为五十度灰大火。McDreamy,有点像国民老公在英文里的说法。英文解释为A man who is charming, devilishly handsome and basically the kinda guy every girl g

oes to sleep dreaming about.





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