

  原 文 译 文

  1. BEIJING — In late April, The Beijing News, a popular daily, ran a collection of profiles on Chinese millennials in celebration of the May Fourth youth holiday commemorating a 1919 student movement. Alongside a best-selling writer, an amateur architecture historian and a producer of popular science videos, there was Cai Xukun, a 20-something male pop singer with such a huge following that a recent social media post of his was viewed more than 800 million times.


  2. Mr. Cai belongs to the tribe of “little fresh meat,” a nickname, coined by fans, for young, delicate-featured, makeup-clad male entertainers. These well-groomed celebrities star in blockbuster movies, and advertise for cosmetic brands and top music charts. Their rise has been one of the biggest cultural trends of the past decade. Their image — antithetical to the patriarchal and stoic qualities traditionally associated with Chinese men — is changing the face of masculinity in China.


  3. Innocent as they may seem, the little fresh meat have powerful critics. The state news agency Xinhua denounces what it calls “niangpao,” or “sissy pants,” culture as “pathological” and said in an editorial last September that its popularity is eroding social order. The Beijing newspaper’s decision to include Mr. Cai in its profiles apparently prompted the Communist Youth League to release its own list of young icons: patriotic athletes and scientists, whom it called the “true embodiment” of the spirit of Communist youth.


  4. The government attacks on this evolving idea of masculinity have triggered a strong counter-backlash from fans of the celebrities. And in online essays and posts, defenders of the young men make clear that their preference is more than a youthful countercultural fad. At its heart, the embrace of a more modern, less rigid form of masculinity represents frustration with traditional ideas of manhood. “The ridiculous condemnation of ‘sissy pants’ men shows the gender ideology of a patriarchal society that equates toughness with men and fragility with women,” a journalist who goes by the name Wusi wrote in an online essay in September, voicing a widely shared opinion.


  5. The official push of traditional masculinity — including reinvented school curriculums and the sponsorship of boys-only clubs — is motivated in part by worries that the decades-long one-child policy produced a generation of timid and self-centered male youth ill equipped to fulfill their social responsibilities.


  6. And in the context of China’s increasing power, the establishment’s preoccupation with promoting old-fashioned, Hollywood-style manliness also has a political message. Just as patriotic intellectuals a century ago argued that national strength derives from the virile energy of the youth, present-day Chinese nationalists see their ambitions take the shape of a macho willingness to fight for righteous causes. This vision is on display in the 2017 action thriller “Wolf Warrior 2”. The movie, featuring a former People’s Liberation Army soldier caught in an African civil war, showed him putting the lives of local civilians above his own while single-handedly beating American-led mercenaries. The goal of the story, said Wu Jing, its director and lead actor, in media interviews, is to “inspire men to be real men.” The movie went on to become China’s top-grossing film in history.


  精 读 解 析







  • profile /'prəʊfaɪl/ n. 侧面,轮廓,外形,剖面


  People who have a high profile in the community.


  He's not the sort of politician to keep a low profile .


  • millennial /mi'leniəl/ adj. 一千年的,千福年的


  You have 78 million Millennial. Over 80 percent of them want to leave in center cities.


  • commemorate /kə'meməreɪt/ vt. 纪念, 庆祝


  commemoration n. 纪念;纪念仪式

  commemorative adj. (用作)纪念的;纪念性的


  Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.


  • blockbuster /'blɒkbʌstə/ n. 重磅炸弹, 了不起的人或事


  The court heard that Ellis sold pirated tapes of Hollywood blockbusters.


  • advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物;登招请(待聘等)广告


  Some dude in Germany went on a dating website and advertised for someone he could kill and eat.


  • be antithetical to 与…背道而驰; 与…相反


  The second mistaken view that one often hears is that emotion is antithetical to rationality.


  So it seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation.


  • patriarchal /ˌpeitri'ɑ:kəl/ adj. 由男人统治或控制的,家长统治下的;家长(似)的,族长(似)的,可尊敬的,威严的


  None was patriarchal. Mr Jennings's book is rich in fond hopes and improbable ventures.


  • stoic /ˈstəuik/ n. 斯多葛学派哲学家


  He had studied philosophy with Rome's greatest stoic, Seneka the younger.


  • associate with 与...常在一起,和...联想在一起


  You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people.


  • masculinity /ˌmæskjəˈlɪnɪti:/ n. 男性;男子气


  masculinize vt. 使男子化(尤指使女人具有男子特征);使(雌性)雄性化



  Boys aren't as concerned about traditional masculinity anymore.


  • denounce /dɪ'naʊns/ vt. 谴责;告发;公然抨击;通告废除


  He was denounced as a coward and traitor.


  • sissy /'sɪsɪ/ n. 胆小鬼,女人气的男人,胆小无用的男子adj. 女人气的,柔弱的


  Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show-off sand overnice, Not until the late 1600's did using a fork become a common custom.


  • pathological /pæθə'lɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ adj. 病理学的;由疾病引起的;病态的;莫名其妙的;反常的


  I'm self-destructive and self-loathing to an almost pathological degree.


  • patriotic /ˌpætriˈɔtik/ adj. 爱国的, 有爱国心的


  They even equal consumption with being patriotic.


  • embodiment /ɪm'bɒdɪmənt/ n. 体现;化身


  embody vt. 表现, 象征, 具体表现


  It is the most important embodiment of a historic city.


  • countercultural 反主流文化的


  The fact that you went to Chicago means you'II always have an orientation that is slightly different than the mainstream culture, slightly countercultural.


  • ridiculous /rɪ'dɪkjʊləs/ adj. 可笑的, 荒谬的


  The whole idea was patently ridiculous.


  • equate with 把…等同;使相等;同



  But you know, many Greeks also equate the drachma with poverty and with isolation, and that's where they fear they're headed right now.


  • fragility /frə'dʒɪləti/ n. 脆弱,虚弱


  Periods of prosperity give way to financial fragility.


  • preoccupation /prɪ,ɒkjʊ'peɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 全神贯注,入神;当务之急;使人全神贯注的事物


  Preserving nature, Ms Marris writes, is a relatively recent preoccupation.


  • derive from 源出,来自,得自;衍生于


  The word patrician is derived from the Latin word pater, meaning father.


  • virile /'vɪraɪl/ adj. 男性的;有男子气概的;刚健的


  A virile bourgeoisie contributes to a nation's prosperity.


  • macho /'mætʃəʊ/ adj. 大男子气概的


  He emerged with a macho swagger.



  Alongside a best-selling writer, an amateur architecture historian and a producer of popular science videos, there was Cai Xukun, a 20-something male pop singer with such a huge following that a recent social media post of his was viewed more than 800 million times.

  这个句子的主干是:Alongside a best-selling writer, there was Cai Xukun. 中间的an amateur architecture historian and a producer of popular science videos这部分说明best-selling writer的身份,最后的a 20-something male pop singer with such a huge following that a recent social media post of his was viewed more than 800 million times.是一个后置定语,说明蔡徐坤到底是谁,在这部分,a 20-something male指的是一个20多岁的男性,20-something是指20多岁的,这部分还包括一个such a/an +名词+that的搭配。

  Mr. Cai belongs to the tribe of “little fresh meat,” a nickname, coined by fans, for young, delicate-featured, makeup-clad male entertainers.

  这个句子的主干是:Mr. Cai belongs to the tribe of “little fresh meat.” 后面的a nickname, coined by fans, for young, delicate-featured, makeup-clad male entertainers.是对小鲜肉这个名词的来源以及用途的解释.

  “The ridiculous condemnation of ‘sissy pants’ men shows the gender ideology of a patriarchal society that equates toughness with men and fragility with women,” a journalist who goes by the name Wusi wrote in an online essay in September, voicing a widely shared opinion.

  这个句子分两个部分来理解吧,引号里面的部分,句子的主干是:The ridiculous condemnation of ‘sissy pants’ men shows the gender ideology of a patriarchal society. 后面的that equates toughness with men and fragility with women是一个同位语从句,that指代的是patriarchal society,解释说明这个patriarchal society到底是怎么样的,会怎么做。引号外面的a journalist who goes by the name Wusi wrote in an online essay in September, voicing a widely shared opinion. 这部分的主干是a journalist wrote in an online essay in September. 中间的who goes by the name Wusi是一个定语从句,修饰的是a journalist,说明这个 journalist到底是谁,最后的voicing a widely shared opinion.是一个动词的现在分词形式引起的伴随状语,说明这个journalist写的这个文章到底在说什么。

  The movie, featuring a former People’s Liberation Army soldier caught in an African civil war, showed him putting the lives of local civilians above his own while single-handedly beating American-led mercenaries.

  这个句子,主干是:The movie showed him putting the lives of local civilians above his own while single-handedly beating American-led mercenaries. 中间的featuring a former People’s Liberation Army soldier caught in an African civil war是一个状语成分,说明电影塑造的主角的身份是什么,而主干部分,则是说明电影展示主角在干什么。句子的主干部分是一个while引起的时间状语从句。

  The goal of the story, said Wu Jing, its director and lead actor, in media interviews, is to “inspire men to be real men.”

  这个句子,主干是The goal of the story is to “inspire men to be real men.”中间的said Wu Jing是一个插入语,说明这个信息的来源,its director and lead actor修饰的是wujing,说明其身份,再后面的in media interviews说明吴京说这个信息的场合。

  - THE END -





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