儿童故事绘本Horrid Henry Series 1-22 有声书音频mp3下载


Horrid Henry 这系列的英语书籍很多,到现在已经发布了二十多本,还没有找到电子版的,今天分享的知识音频,有须有就可以了。
45.jpgorrid Henry is a children's book series created by Francesca Simon and illustrated by Tony Ross. The first Horrid Henry book was written and published in 1994 by Orion Books and as of July 2013, there have been twenty-four titles published, as well as numerous collections, activity books and joke books. Novel Entertainment produced an animated television series for CITV.
timg.jpgThe general story is a slice-of-life setup, featuring the main character Henry. Henry is selfish, and will typically be faced with a problem and then will attempt to solve it, often in interesting ways that endanger other people. Henry has a brother called Perfect Peter, who is generally the exact opposite to Henry, and chooses to always be respectful of other people.
Horrid Henry系列展示:
1. Horrid Henry:
2. Horrid Henry: Secret Club (1995)
3. Horrid Henry: Tricking the Tooth Fairy (1996)
4. Horrid Henry: Nits, Nits, Nits (1997)
5. Horrid Henry: Get Rich Quick (1998)
6. Horrid Henry: The Haunted House (1999)
7. Horrid Henry: The Mummy's Curse (2000)
8. Horrid Henry: Perfect Revenge (2001)
9. Horrid Henry: Bogey Babysitter (2002)
10. Horrid Henry: Stinkbombs (2002)
11. Horrid Henry: Underpants Panic (2003)
12. Horrid Henry: Meets the Queen (2004)
13. Horrid Henry: Mega-Mean Time Machine (2005)
14. Horrid Henry: Football Fiend (2006)
15. Horrid Henry: Christmas Cracker (2006)
16. Horrid Henry: Abominable Snowman (2007)
17. Horrid Henry: Bank Robber (2008)
18. Horrid Henry: Waking the Dead (2009)
19. Horrid Henry: Rock Star (2010)
20. Horrid Henry: Zombie Vampire (2011)
21. Horrid Henry: Monster Movie (2012)
22. Horrid Henry: Nightmare (2013)
23. Horrid Henry: Krazy Ketchup (2014)
24. Horrid Henry: Cannibal Curse (2015)
25. Horrid Henry: Up, Up and Away! (2019)






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