「往常英语口语8000句」9-6 随意说话问询情况常用口语句子(酷叔叔英语口语)

成果怎么样? how'd things turn out? *turn out... “成果是……”。
= how'd things turn out? (成果怎么样?)
they turned out to be miserable. (成果很惨。)
= how was it?
= how did it go?
= how did it turn out?
= how did it end up?

长话短说…… to make a long story short,...
你就简明简明地说吧。 just tell me the story in a nutshell. *nutshell “坚果的壳”,in a nutshell是惯用语,“简明简明地说,总结性地说”。
= give it to me in a nutshell.

告诉我具体情况。 let me know the circumstances. = let me know the situation.

垂手可得。 a piece of cake. *像吃一块蛋糕相同简略。“垂手可得”。
how was the test? (你考试考得怎么样?)
= a piece of cake. (几乎垂手可得。)
= it was a piece of cake.
= it was very easy.
= it was a snap.
= it was no problem (at all).
= it was as easy as 1,2,3.
= it was as easy as a,b,c.

到如今中止还好。 so far, so good. how's your cooking going? (你煮饭做得怎么样了?)
= up till now, no problems.

马粗心虎。 so-so.
how's school? (你们学校怎么样?)
= so-so. (马粗心虎。)

作业就是这样。 that's about it.
没啥了不起的。 it was nothing. wow! how'd you do that? (哇!你怎么做出来的?)
= it was no big deal.

这很简略。 there's nothing to it. can you he

lp me e-mail? (你能教我用一下e-mail(电子邮件)吗?)
= it's a piece of cake. (这垂手可得。)
= nothing complicated about it. (这没啥凌乱的。)

啊,真灵! it worked! and if you plug this in... (然后你插上插头……)
it worked! (啊,亮了!)
= it did the job!

还需再加把劲。 it needs work. *还需要尽力才干抵达完满,变得非常好。
what about the new computer system? (那个新的核算机体系怎么样?)
= it needs work. (还需改进。)
= it needs more work.
= it needs some work.

就差那么一点儿。 almost. *标明“怅惘”,“差一点儿”。
= i thought it was a home run. (我认为是个本垒打呢。)

越来越不好。 going from bad to worse. *直译是“从不好到更糟糕的”,可以用于人际联络、经济或成果等多种场合。
how's married life? (婚后日子怎么样?)
= getting increasingly worse.
= getting worse and worse (all the time).

他一鸣惊人。he made it big. *make it big “在社会上获得了成功”。
= he became very successful.
= he is a big success.

疑问处置了。 we're set. *这句用来标明“预备好了,预备好了”。set“处置”。
they just fixed the car. (他刚把车修好。)
we're set. (咱们预备好了。)
= let's get going. (那咱们走吧。)
= our problem's solved.
= we're ready.
= we're okay.





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  • 那么幸福你们
    那么幸福你们(2023-09-11 12:23:21)
    51 talk英语给我的感觉以优异的教学方式,赢得了广大学生的口碑好评,正在腾升。
  • 斯坦56的兔
    斯坦56的兔(2023-09-11 12:31:46)
    感觉很火的哦。赶紧报名呀,真的觉得自己英语进步很大哦 这可是非常适合中国英语学习者学习的哦
  • 古乐环
    古乐环(2023-09-11 12:35:56)